Release Notes - 2017

Modified on Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 3:14 PM

December 23, 2017 - v3.9.2

  • Introduced the new "HR Assistant" privilege allowing users to launch appraisals and surveys for all users without having access to results.
  • Batch operations: When launching 360° surveys there is a new option to invite additional individuals to all surveys.
  • Standardized the way the global rating average is computed (it is now the average of all sections, while it used to be the average of all individual questions).
  • Payment information that get automatically updated through the card network is now reflected in the Credit Card Details section of the Subscription page.
  • Added request filter to prevent concurrent RPC calls from the same user session.
  • Upgraded the Stripe library (used for payment processing).
  • Results page: The Display Options button is now hidden when results are not accessible.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

December 16, 2017 - v3.9.1

  • Bounce notifications: When an email message sent by Primalogik 360 cannot be delivered for some reason, an email delivery failure notification is now sent to the reply-to email address. For emails resulting from a user action (e.g. launching a survey) it is the email address of the acting user. For automated emails (e.g. task reminders) it is the reply-to email address defined for the organization.
  • Edit Questionnaire: Fixed an issue causing the wrong rating scale to be used when copying questions from another questionnaire.
  • Fixed a display issue in PDF export for questionnaires.

December 9, 2017 - v3.9.0

  • Fixed issue with "N/A" responses when computing averages.

December 2, 2017 - v3.8.9

  • Goals & Job Profile page: Added feature to clone existing entries.
  • Goals & Job Profile: Added organization-wide option to make goals, competencies and responsibilities visible to anyone.
  • Goals & Job Profile: Made the description field optional for goals, competencies and responsibilities.
  • To Do page: Added filters and improved the sorting of completed tasks (most recently completed first).
  • Made non-modal popups scroll with the page content.
  • Participant suggestions: Use same deadline to review suggestions as the deadline used to make suggestions.
  • BamboHR integration: Added an option to configure how the Department field is synchronized.
  • 360° surveys: Made feature to send grouped invitations available to managers (in addition to HR and admins).
  • Instant Feedback: Added back-end configuration to hide public visibility option.
  • Email Contents: Added new substitution variables REVIEW_CYCLE_NAME and QUESTIONNAIRE_NAME.
  • Added back-end configuration to hide links to support center for non-administrator and non-HR users.
  • Fixed an issue causing users without the Employee privilege to have access to the contact info of employees.
  • Fixed an issue when batch launching 360° surveys that could cause too many email notifications to be triggered.
  • Fixed an issue causing users without the Employee privilege to be excluded when using Quick Add to add participants to surveys.
  • Visual improvements in questionnaire and results page.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

November 18, 2017 - v3.8.8

  • Goal categories: It is now possible to assign a category to individual goals. Default categories include: Employee engagement, Customer experience, Leadership development, Operational excellence & Personal development.
  • External links added in custom content using the rich text editor now open in a new window or tab.
  • Improved the display of long fields in profile view.
  • Fixed an issue in the Questionnaire page that allowed users without the Employee privilege to access the Continuous Feedback page (it should only be accessible to Employees).
  • Fixed an issue in the Manage Departments page that made it possible to add back a user who lost his Employee privilege as a department manager through the Manager History screen.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error when navigating away from the Review suggestions page.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

November 13, 2017 - v3.8.7

  • Fixed issue for new trial accounts causing the default administrator user to be created without the Employee privilege.

November 11, 2017 - v3.8.6

  • Results page: Added new display option to sort sections by average rating.
  • Added new Employee privilege and granted it to all existing users. Users without that privilege will still be able to respond to surveys but they will not have access to some employee features such as Goals and Continuous Feedback.
  • Added back-end configuration option to hide the Score History report for some organizations.
  • Added back-end configuration option to prevent managers from viewing the 360-degree survey results of their employees.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

November 4, 2017 - v3.8.5

  • Fixed error in Score History report "Row given with size different than X (the number of columns in the table)".
  • Fixed issue when editing own profile causing some read-only fields to appear editable.

October 28, 2017 - v3.8.4

  • New "Score History" report showing progress/trends over time for individual employees.
  • The new report "Detailed Opinion Survey Results" that was previously in limited availability mode is now available to all organizations.
  • The start date and end date fields are now optional when creating or editing review cycles.
  • Increased the font size used when exporting individual results to PDF to make them easier to read. Use darker fonts in the PDF footer.
  • When editing a questionnaire using multiple rating scales, make it possible to select a rating scale when adding a new section, even if responses have already been submitted.
  • Edit Questionnaire page: Renamed question types for goal rating, competency rating and responsibility rating.
  • Public website: Removed the System Overview page and modified the About page.
  • Fixed issue causing a benign error in the Appraisals and 360° Surveys page when closing the Departments filter dialog before the remote call is done.
  • Upgraded GWT to v2.8.2.
  • Fixed issue in the My Goals panel on the dashboard causing goals due today to show as overdue.
  • Fixed issue in the Edit Questionnaire page preventing the modification of a section name if the section does not contain at least one question.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

October 17, 2017 - v3.8.3

  • Improved error handling when importing users from spreadsheet with an ambiguous department name (when two or more departments have the same name).
  • Increased the size of the Title field to 500 characters for goals, competencies and responsibilities.
  • Fixed issue causing circular navigation when trying to access the Review Suggestions page without being authenticated.

October 14, 2017 - v3.8.2

  • New report "Detailed Opinion Survey Results" showing detailed view of all responses for opinion surveys (limited availability).
  • Added a Gap column in the Appraisal Results page for organization configured to display results without referring to numeric values.
  • Fixed multiple display issues with the My Goals panel on the Dashboard.
  • The rating scale is no longer displayed in a questionnaire or section when it does not contain any rating question.
  • Fixed display issue in Detailed Assessment Results report caused by truncated html in question text.
  • Updated instructions displayed when adding or editing goals, competencies and responsibilities.
  • Review cycles having the same start date are now sorted alphabetically in drop-down lists.
  • Fixed issue in Detailed Assessment Results report causing "0" to be displayed in the Response column instead of "N/A".
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • These features that were previously in limited availability mode are now available to all organizations:
    • Goals evaluation: It is now possible to evaluate an employee's goals during an appraisal or a 360° feedback survey. A "goals evaluation" placeholder can be added to a questionnaire and it will be dynamically populated with the goals of each employee during the evaluation.
    • Competencies and responsibilities: Just like goals and objectives can be added to an employee's job profile, competencies and responsibilities can now also be added in a similar way. Competencies and responsibilities can be evaluated during an appraisal or a 360° feedback survey.
    • It is now possible to use multiple rating scales inside the same questionnaire. A rating scale can be defined for each section.

October 2, 2017 - v3.8.1

  • Fixed issue causing an error when trying to manually import users from BambooHR or Google Apps.

October 1, 2017 - v3.8.0

  • New "My Goals" panel on dashboard showing an overview of the current goals and their progress (limited availability).
  • Added backend configuration allowing the display of appraisal results without referring to numeric values.
  • Goals evaluation: In questionnaire view mode and results page, don't display goals, competencies and responsibilities for which there are no responses.
  • Goals evaluation: Added icons in questionnaire and results pages.
  • Closed a loophole in user importation that could result in more users being active than what is allowed by the current subscription.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

September 25, 2017 - v3.7.9

  • Fixed issue causing the new table view in the Goals page to not always be updated when looking at the goals of another user.
  • Fixed issue causing rich text to appear as html code in the Edit Questionnaire page.

September 23, 2017 - v3.7.8

  • Multilingual support: Fixed an issue causing answer choices for multiple choice questions to appear as blank when no translation has been provided for the current language.
  • Visual improvements to the Pending Task panel on the Dashboard.
  • Table view in Goals page: The list of goals can now be viewed as a table in addition to the existing list view.
  • Fixed issue causing an error in the Questionnaire Preview page when the questionnaire contains a Goals evaluation element.
  • Added new config page "Goals and Job Profile" allowing an administrator to select which tabs are visible in the Goals page (limited availability).
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

September 16, 2017 - v3.7.7

  • Appraisals and 360° Surveys page: Fixed an issue causing the Departments filter to be reset when navigating back to the page after editing an assessment or viewing results.
  • Miscellaneous improvements for the evaluation of Goals, Competencies and Responsibilities.
  • Added Status field for Competencies and Responsibilities.
  • Fixed issue that was sometimes causing a client-side error when navigating away from the Appraisals and Surveys page.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

September 9, 2017 - v3.7.6

  • Goals evaluation: It is now possible to evaluate an employee's goals during an appraisal or a 360° feedback survey (limited availability). A "goals evaluation" placeholder can be added to a questionnaire and it will be dynamically populated with the goals of each employee during the evaluation.
  • Competencies and responsibilities: Just like goals and objectives can be added to an employee's job profile, competencies and responsibilities can now also be added in a similar way (limited availability). Competencies and responsibilities can be evaluated during an appraisal or a 360° feedback survey.
  • It is now possible to use multiple rating scales inside the same questionnaire (limited availability). A rating scale can be defined for each section.
  • Billing: Fixed issue causing the currency to be reset when the billing address is updated in Zoho.
  • Results page: Fixed issue that was sometimes causing the bar chart caption to be missing in comparison mode.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

September 4, 2017 - v3.7.5

  • Fixed an issue causing an error when refreshing the data in the Dashboard.

September 2, 2017 - v3.7.4

  • Continuous feedback: When modifying an existing entry, you can now choose whether or not to send an email notification to the other users involved in the conversation.
  • BambooHR integration: Employee photos are linked in Primalogik 360 when importing or synchronizing users from BambooHR.
  • 360° surveys: When employees are allowed to suggest participants for their survey, the user launching the survey can now choose who gets notified when suggestions are ready for review.
  • The department filter used in many pages has been reworked to allow the selection of multiple departments at once.
  • Goals page: Added a widget allowing to switch between my goals and other users' goals.
  • Results page: Added column "Job Title" in the filter dialogs.
  • Fixed issue preventing managers from launching assessments as a batch operation.
  • 360° surveys: Feature to send combined notifications to all participants is now restricted to users having the HR or Administrator privilege.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

August 19, 2017 - v3.7.3

  • Fixed an issue with the "Quick add by department" when launching or editing an opinion survey.

August 15, 2017 - v3.7.2

  • Fixed an issue in the "Quick add by department" dialog that was sometimes causing an error when the Internet access was slow.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing an error when trying to look at appraisal results immediately after step 1 was completed.

August 12, 2017 - v3.7.1

  • New! Quick add by department: When launching surveys, this new "quick add" option allows to easily add multiple users by browsing the department hierarchy.
  • Departments can now be deactivated to make them invisible while preserving membership history (they can still be deleted permanently as well).
  • Batch operation: When launching appraisals or 360° surveys, users can now be sorted by their Work Anniversary date. This makes it easier to launch assessments for people within a range of anniversary dates.
  • New organizations are created with three rating scales (instead of one), including two rating scales that don't have a N/A option and can be used with weighted questions.
  • Fixed caching issue with organization logo causing previous logo to still be displayed after uploading a new one.
  • Managers can more easily view the Goals of their employees while completing an appraisal by clicking the link next to their name.
  • Added a new "Date Shared" column in the "360° Survey Progress" report, showing the date when results were shared with the reviewee.
  • Fixed issue causing some columns to be missing in the appraisal results page when comparison mode is enabled and some questions are visible to the manager only.
  • Old email notifications are cleaned up after one year and report files are cleaned up after one month.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

August 3, 2017 - v3.7.0

  • Batch download of assessment results: Fixed issue causing charts to be missing for multiple choice questions.
  • Batch download of assessment results: Display options are now persisted and taken into account when the batch operation is interrupted and resumed later.

July 29, 2017 - v3.6.9

  • New! Assessment results can now be downloaded all at once for a whole review cycle through a batch operation.
  • New! Consolidated Rating Results report: Added option "Show respondent groups breakdown" to display results broken down by respondent group.
  • Performance appraisals: Managers can now access their employees' results from the To Do page after step 3 is completed.
  • Fixed display issues for Continuous Feedback section in Dashboard.
  • Integration page: Ask user for contact details when a BambooHR link is clicked.
  • Improvements to better track source of web traffic and leads.
  • Continuous Feedback: Include visibility level in email notifications.
  • Continuous Feedback: Display absolute (instead of relative) dates/times when exporting to PDF.
  • Add/Edit Questionnaire page: Fixed display issue with special characters in Question Weights dialog.
  • Fixed minor display issue for Welcome Message in Dashboard.
  • General Settings: Added new branding theme color (dark green).
  • Subscription upgrade: Amount displayed is now taking into account previous subscription and partial billing periods.
  • BambooHR synchronization: Fixed time zone issue with date fields.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

July 15, 2017 - v3.6.8

  • In the Edit Questionnaire page, fixed the label "Display on results page".
  • Improvements for small screens (mobile devices).

July 8, 2017 - v3.6.7

  • New! It is now possible to give relative weights to rating questions. When weights are defined, the final report will show weighted averages instead of regular averages.
  • Fixed issue causing some icons to not be displayed correctly in IE.
  • Continuous Feedback view: Users can now click on a timestamp to toggle the display format between elapsed time and absolute date/time.
  • Continuous Feedback: Include tags in email notifications.
  • Continuous Feedback: When adding or modifying an entry, show a message indicating who will be notified.
  • Continuous Feedback: Fixed issue that could cause duplicate tags to be created when tag name includes leading or trailing spaces.
  • Continuous Feedback: Removed invalid link from email notification when an entry is deleted.
  • Continuous Feedback: Fixed some display issues in the exported PDF.
  • The default respondent group is now set for participants suggested by the reviewee.
  • Batch launching of assessments: Fixed issue that could cause errors when some respondent groups are disabled.
  • 360° Survey Progress report: Fixed issue causing wrong manager name to be displayed for department managers.
  • French version: Replaced the term "manageur" by "gestionnaire".
  • 360° Feedback Report: Fixed issue causing an error when a specific combination of display options was used.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

June 21, 2017 - v3.6.6

  • New! Integration with BambooHR. Enables Single Sign-On (SSO) as well as user importation and synchronization from BambooHR to Primalogik. More information here.
  • Fixed an issue in the Continuous Feedback dialog view causing the name popup to be displayed behind the dialog window.

June 1, 2017 - v3.6.5

  • Fixed display issue causing some popups to be displayed underneath other elements.
  • Fixed display issue causing extra white space to be added between table rows.

May 27, 2017 - v3.6.4

  • New! Continuous feedback: You can now tag individual entries to classify them; tags can later be used to filter entries.
  • Batch launch of 360° Surveys: Added options to automatically invite peers and direct reports.
  • Appraisals: It is now possible to select a different manager than the one assigned to the reviewee's department.
  • Fixed issue in dashboard causing instant feedback entries to still be displayed after the module has been disabled.
  • Modify description of anonymity in FAQ to match changes in the application.
  • Fixed issue that could result in an error in the results page when some display options are enabled.
  • Fixed UI issue allowing a user to start entering a journal note about himself even though he could not save it.
  • Improvements to billing module.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

May 13, 2017 - v3.6.3

  • When a comment is added to a continuous feedback entry, email notifications are now sent to all people involved in the conversation.
  • Fixed issue causing an error when trying to view the results of an opinion survey or appraisal after a 306-degree survey was viewed in comparison mode.
  • Continuous feedback: Fixed issue causing the "Show more" link to be displayed when it should not.
  • Continuous feedback: Comments are now expanded by default in the single conversation view.
  • Continuous feedback: Fixed issue causing an error when trying to close a dialog using the Escape key.
  • Manage Users page: Removed extra entry from the list of available columns.
  • Journal Note: When entering the subject user, don't show suggestions for people you are not allowed to add journal notes on.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

May 1, 2017 - v3.6.1 and v3.6.2

  • Fixed an issue causing the wrong recipient name to be included in email notifications for the Employee Journal and the Instant Feedback modules.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a client-side error when refreshing the questionnaire page.

April 29, 2017 - v3.6.0

  • New! The Instant Feedback module allows anyone to provide instant feedback on anyone else in the organization. The person providing the feedback can decide who can view the content (the recipient, managers or HR).
  • Application administrators can now select a theme that determines the color of some UI elements, like the top menu bar.
  • Display a warning if someone tries to create a new free trial account but an existing account already exists for the same email domain.
  • Users having the Manage Users privilege can now send email invitations to new users in bulk.
  • It is now possible to delete user accounts in bulk.
  • The "display options" of the results page are persisted as user preferences.
  • When sharing assessment results with the reviewee, only show the option "Do not share text responses" for 360° surveys (not for appraisals).
  • When importing users from a spreadsheet, trim leading and trailing spaces from the email address to avoid issues.
  • Made some improvements to the dashboard and moved some elements.
  • Fixed issue preventing the modification of rating scale labels after responses have been submitted.
  • Fixed issue that could cause a client-side error when launching a new appraisal while leaving the self-review deadline field blank.
  • Fixed issue that could cause errors when sending individual notifications to participants in a 360° survey.
  • Improvements and fixes to the mobile menu.
  • Fixed issue causing draft responses to be included in the Detailed Assessment Results report.
  • Added the possibility to lock some application modules for clients who don't need it.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

March 19, 2017 - v3.5.9

  • Fixed a regression causing an error when creating a new user.

March 18, 2017 - v3.5.8

  • New! The Detailed Assessment Results report gives a detailed view of all responses for appraisals and 360° surveys (limited availability).
  • Added option to share the results of a 360° survey with the reviewee without sharing text responses (only responses to rating questions and multiple choices will be shared).
  • The employee's manager can now be viewed from the People Directory, by clicking on the department's name.
  • It is now possible to set the profile picture of a user from the Edit User page.
  • Added a "Download PDF" button as well as an option to show the department members inline in the Manage Departments page.
  • The email notification sent when sharing the results of an assessment can now be customized.
  • Allow to permanently delete a user account.
  • When updating 360° Surveys in batch, it is now possible to update the deadline for suggesting participants.
  • Added support for Preferred Language field when importing users through a spreadsheet.
  • Implemented new back-end configuration that can be enabled to prevent employees from adding, modifying or deleting goals.
  • An email notification is now sent to the manager when the deadline for completing an appraisal is changed.
  • It is now possible to preview an appraisal questionnaire as either the employee or the manager (useful when questions are different).
  • New Customers page on the promotional Web site, featuring client quotes and logos.
  • Added new sections in the Feature Tour page.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

March 12, 2017 - v3.5.7

  • Changed Amazon SES endpoint to US-West (Oregon).
  • Fixed typos.

February 25, 2017 - v3.5.6

  • New! Users can now launch multiple 360° surveys in batch.
  • New! Emails inviting participants to complete assessments can now be grouped and sent all at once.
  • New! Administrators can customize the subject of emails (in addition to the body) sent by the application.
  • Redesigned the Email Contents page to better scale with the growing number of customizable emails.
  • Added minimum term (3 months) in TOS, pricing page and FAQ.
  • Proactively prompt users to reload the app following an upgrade.
  • Fixed issue causing obsolete tasks to still show up in the To Do list of the manager after a user is deleted.
  • Added Home icon in the menu bar for easier access to the Dashboard.
  • It is now possible for users having the HR privilege to share the results of an assessment with the reviewee even if they cannot view the results themselves.
  • Added description of the different status codes in the Edit User page.
  • The Edit Performance Appraisal page now indicates whether or not draft responses have been entered for an assessment.
  • Consolidated Rating Results report: Display ratings with one decimal (instead of two) to be consistent with how ratings are displayed in other pages.
  • Fixed issue causing the Twitter username to be displayed in place of the Skype name in the profile view.
  • Updated Jobs page with new opening for Customer Success Specialist.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

February 4, 2017 - v3.5.5

  • Updated prices and plans.
  • Fixed issue causing missing profile picture to be displayed as broken image for imported users.
  • Fixed issue preventing users from creating multiple review cycles at once in the Appraisals and Surveys settings page.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

January 17, 2017 - v3.5.4

  • Added link to the Manage Rating Scales page in the Add/Edit Questionnaire page.
  • Made the Goals module enabled by default for new organizations.
  • Fixed issue causing a rating scale to appear twice in the drop-down list in the Add/Edit Questionnaire page.

January 14, 2017 - v3.5.3

  • New! Goals module: This module allows employees, managers and HR staff to set and track goals and objectives for themselves and their team.
  • New! Ratings scales can now be created and customized through a UI in the application.
  • New! Announcements page: Informs users of new features and changes in Primalogik 360.
  • Improved warning message when deleting a question from a questionnaire with responses already collected.
  • The employee's hire date is now displayed in the header section of the results page.
  • Email notifications for appraisals can now be resend from the Edit Performance Appraisal page.
  • Added a "customize message" link for administrators in the Welcome Message panel of the Dashboard.
  • Fixed some formatting issues when exporting/importing users through csv files.
  • Fixed issue causing an error when manager tries to share assessment results with employee but employee moved under a different manager.
  • Updated promotional video on home page.
  • Fixed sorting issues in To Do page.
  • Fixed issue in Consolidated Rating Results report causing the wrong label to be displayed under the Category column when the Category filter is set to Total.
  • Users who had their account locked because of too many failed login attempts can now request a new password by email.
  • Renamed the report "360° Survey Pending Raters" to "360° Survey Pending Participants" and improved labels to better explain the "Show details" option.
  • In the Review Cycles section of the Appraisals and Surveys page, the Delete button is now disabled when Goals are linked to a cycle.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvement.

January 4, 2017 - v3.5.2

  • Remove access to the "360° Survey Pending Raters" report to managers when the organization setting "limited_access_for_managers" is enabled.

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